Hi, I'm DP (SomedayExtraordinary). Since I can remember, I've been intrigued by success and the intricacies of attaining it. While my parents were always extremely hard workers, sometimes I felt their efforts were somewhat unrewarded. I don't blame them one bit; they did everything they could to support our family of five. However, I wanted more once I had my own family. Maybe not necessarily more money, but more freedom. I wanted to be free of the chains of money or, more specifically, free of the chains of the corporations I worked for who paid me money. I wanted to live life on my terms - not someone else's. Money is only a means to an end and not the end itself.
I learned hard work from my parents and applied it to athletics and academics as best I could. However, there was always something more that I didn't understand. I began wondering why some people are more successful than others and why some people seemed to master things more quickly or excel at everything they do. My brother-in-law turned me on to the Geoff Colvin book, "Talent is Overrated" and I was hooked. From there, I moved on to other similar books, then investing books, then books on successful people . . . and I couldn't stop. (Check out my "Good Reading!" page for some recommendations.)
I decided to share some of what I have learned as well as document my journey to reach the goal of "success". That's where this blog started from. It was more for me at first; I felt that there was no way to keep in my head all the important lessons that I've learned, so I decided to write some of it out. Writing out what's on your mind or what you have learned can sometimes be better than reading; you are forced to put a coherent thought together and then put it into words. While reading, it is easy to zone out and skim through a few paragraphs or pages and, when asked to discuss what you have just read, you draw a blank. Knowing that you eventually need to write out a lesson that you've learned - whether from a book or an experience - forces you to pay close enough attention to comprehend what's going on around you.
I hope you can pick up a thing or two or maybe stumble upon a concept or idea in my writing that piques your interest! I hope you enjoy what I have been able to put down thus far!
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